Monday, February 06, 2012

The Most "IN" Hand Accessory

Today, is Owein's turn to go see a doctor. He is coughing again and sounded quite bad. While I was at the doctor with Owein, I had also ask her for a second opinion on my injured tendon and to find out what would the prescription be if I had gone to see a GP instead.

I was told that for such cases, usually patients would be given anti inflammation medication and some steroid medication (or cream, which I cannot remember) as treatment. Too bad, there isn't a 100% confirmation that such medication would be safe while breastfeeding and hence doctor said not advisable unless I insist. The only other thing now I can do is to get a wrist guard to protect the injured area to prevent it from getting hurt again.

So, off I went to the nearest pharmacy to get myself this piece of "IN" accessory. Got to put it on for awhile or till at least my hand does not hurt that much.

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