Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Bento #12 - Monster

Hmm ... Monster ... why??

Wasn't in my best mood when preparing bento last night. Odin had been pretty cranky of late and have been sleeping late too. I was trying my best to put him to be before it is time to go pack bento but that did not happen. Had to leave him with hubby and sneak out to pack the boxes. That also mean that I have to be quick to pack the boxes.

Time constrain = Simple design
Moody mummy = Monster bento

But this is really easy to assemble. Took me about 15 minutes to get ready both boxes for final touch up in the morning. All that was needed was a round cutter for the eyes and a sharp knife for the teeth. I'd use the bento box to cut the bread so that it can be tugged nicely into the box.

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