Friday, April 13, 2012

Bento #23 - Homemade Buns

It is all about homemade bread!!!

I had been making bread recently and now I think it is decent enough to be 'shown' to others hahahaha. Never expect to find passion with baking once again. Really fell in love with bread making this time ^_^

11 April 2012

Made Nutella Worm Buns for the boys to bring school. Got the inspiration from this YT clip - Baked Bread with Nutella.

Packed similar boxes for the boys and hence only 1 picture. Kept the bento simple as there's simply no space for other snacks to fit it and also the bun is quite a big one and I am afraid if I pack too much of other stuffs, they got no time to finish.

Despite 2 boxes being packed, only Oswald gets to bring his bento to school to show off his worm. What happened to Owein's??

Not sure what was being conveyed to grandpa, Owein was taking his breakfast, eating the food from his bento box. When I saw that, I was dumb folded and was very very mad!!! I was so mad, I did not know what to say ... I was mad because:-

1) There is no time to repack bento.
2) Why take the food out from the bento to eat??? Never once I had given instruction to eat breakfast from the bento box. How come never use brain and believe what the kid say?

Really lost of words!!!

13 April 2012

Today, only Oswald get to bring a box to school cause it is NO SCHOOL DAY for Owein. Owein had gone for a full day excursion yesterday hence today no need to go school.

Bread of the day is 肉干 bread. This bread is a favorite hit in the family. The boys are trilled when they know I'd made these buns. Added in edamame bean and some carrot in his bento as today is Fruit/Vegetable day.

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