Sunday, August 22, 2010

Food - Old Hong Kong Kitchen

It is Sunday once again and another chance to gather some friends out for a meal to do some catching up.

This time we choose to try out Old Hong Kong Kitchen located at Square 2.

A friend in the group mentioned that the dim sum is really nice and their pig stomach soup is highly recommended by my SIL.

We'd order quite a variety of food and indeed the food there is not bad. My personal favourites among the food we'd ordered are:-

1) Pig stomach soup
2) Steam custard bun
3) 三蛋粥

I was too busy handling the kids and indulging myself with the food that I totally forgotten to take pictures of it :p But not to worry, I probably will head back there again to try out their other dim sum items. I hope I will not forget about the pictures then.

P/S: If you do plan to give it a try, do give them a call to make a reservation. We almost cannot get a table but because we were there very early (12:00pm), they have no choice but to serve us.

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