Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Sailing - Day 2

Odin seems to be a little better today. No more vomiting since he started on the vomiting medication.

But I had a bad feeling that it will be my turn today :(

Started the day feeling sleepy due to a restless night. Keep worrying about Odin hence can't really sleep. Probably due to the lack of rest, my head started to hurt by lunch time and pretty soon developed to migraine. Took my panadols and tried to take a nap with Odin after lunch.

Still, did not escape the evil virus!!!

I woke up from the nap with a fever and threw out whatever I ate earlier. Totally had no strength for anything else. Thank god for my helpful in laws who had help to take care of Odin, I manage to take a rest after popping more panadol and wait for my fever to subside.

Fever finally subside after 2 hours but I still do not dare to eat anything. Hope I will feel better tomorrow.

Feels so shity to fall sick and especially when hubby not around :(

Oops forgot to add ... Owein crumbled to virus attack too just when I felt a little better from the fever and thought I could get some rest.

It is off to the doctor once again 1st thing in the morning ...

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