Monday, October 01, 2012

Sailing - Day 1

1st thing in the morning is to get Odin ready to head out to the doctor. Hate Monday morning at the clinic and some more is a new place that I am bringing Odin to. I had wanted to try the new PD out for a few times cause it is much nearer to our place but the attitude of the nurse whenever I called kinda pissed me off. But this time, really no choice. My regular PD is on leave and the new PD is my next choice.

Just as I was about to leave my room, heard Owein coughing :( Sound pretty bad ... sigh ... why things can't seems to be working out. Hope I need not bring Owein to the doctor after I am done with Odin. To make matter worse, JM had to head out for sail today too. No extra hands available when I am at the doctor with Odin.

Clinic opens at 9am and since I had decided to let Owein rest at home, I could just head straight to the clinic. Reached there about 8:45am and there is already a queue at the clinic. I am 6th in line. Just as the doors open, Odin had decided to throw up again. Due to that, I was pushed further back the queue and that equates to a longer wait. By the time I was done at the doctor, it was already 11am. 2 hours wait to confirm that Odin had stomach flu and to get medication to stop his vomiting. Poor baby ... :(

Luckily Owein does not sound that bad by the time I got home and had decided to self medicate him 1st. Can't imagine another round at the GP clinic. At least I can get some rest in the afternoon.

What a way to begin with for a new week and somemore had to be a week that hubby had gone out sailing :(

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