Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2 of JM's SCS Exercise

Cough ... cough ... cough!!! This is for real!!! I really fell sick this time ... not a false alarm.

It is really no joke to fall sick when you are in such situation:-

1) Hubby in not in town.
2) No one is around to give help at home.
3) You are all alone at home with kids to take care of.

Managed to pull through a day yesterday but today ... there's no way around it.

Felt very tired still this morning but got to drag myself up to get the kids ready for school. Could not rest while the kids are at school because my PT cleaner is around cleaning the house. Argh ... what a morning!!!

I felt worse while lunch with the kids. Feel like my whole body wana break apart and got no strength to do anything. The moment we reached home ... I told the boys to play on their own as mummy needs to take a rest. But who knows ... the moment I drop onto my bed ... I rested for a long while. Though I was waken a few times to attend to the boys but I drop back dead on my bed the moment my head touch my pillow.

When I finally woke up willingly, it was almost 3:00pm liao ... which means ... the boys were on their own for almost 2 hours. Scary!!! But luckily they both do behave quite well and did not mess up the house. Called the 2 of them into the room for their nap and I dosed off once again.

After a long rest, fever gone and my body feels slightly better. But felt very guilty because while I was resting, the boys were all alone by themselves.

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