Monday, January 06, 2014

Bento #1 - Mickey

Finally Oswald is able to head back school after all the rest and all the medication. I was worried that he would not be able to wake up in time hence decided to pack a box for him to bring school for recess.

Prepared the shapes for Mickey last night using bread ends. What's left to do in the morning is to assemble and add on whatever snacks I can find to fill in the gaps. Mickey was looking ok until I itchy hand went to wrap it up in glad wrap. After wrapping up then realised the pieces of Mickey was shifted. Argh!!! Mistake to wrap up with bread!!! Also, a mistake to use margarine to 'stick' the pieces to the bread!!! Should have used something more sticky instead e.g. peanut butter!!! What a flop!!! This is the end result for not bento-ing for so long and also probably for waking at 6am to pack. Body is moving around working but brain still sleeping ... haha.

As for Oswald, he really did not managed to wake up in time. Alarm rang and he still zzz. Only managed to get up at around 6:45am and in 15 minutes he got to head out for school! Hope he won't take long to get use to the morning schedule.

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