Thursday, June 03, 2010

Day Out with the Boys

SHREK Forever After ... here I come!!!

Had promised my sis to go watch this movie with her but did not have a chance to do so till now. But with initially plan to just go watch with her, ended up have to watch it with the boys.

Took me awhile to convince Oswald to go watch this movie. I'd equip the boys with drinks and snacks hoping that they will sit through the movie. Luckily the boys are quite cooperative. Oswald only started complaining about 3/4 way through the show. He said, "Mummy, I don't want to watch SHREK." As for Owein, he sat on his own for the initially part and finish off the movie on my lap. Hee hee ... anyway, it was a successful movie screening.

After movie, it is time to plan what to cook for dinner. Having a craving for soup, so I head to Eu Yan Sang to pick up some soup concentrates.

I've seen these concentrates around for quite awhile already but never bother to give them a try. A friend introduced it to me quite recently and it really taste not bad. With such, cooking herbal soup is no longer a headache and hassle. No need to keep unused herbs and not to mention the heap of herbs to be thrown away after cooking. How easy cooking can be nowadays ... ^_^.

Here's my American Ginseng Soup ...

According to the write up on the box, "this pleasing soup revitalised you, helping you stay at your best every day." It is so easy to prepare ... all you need is a whole chicken and a bottle of soup concentrate and you can start boiling!!! With this, I can make herbal soup more often to 补补身 already.


V said...

Hey did you stare at the product before using it? I think it's a prerequisite before using the soup haha. Afterall it says "concentrate" mah =p

Irene said...

LOL ... i did not think of that leh. Maybe my soup will taste better if I did that :p